A Single Cell

I visited another NGO this morning called LaThitha. Both LaThitha and CATCH serve the same community. Mondays are Momma’s and Babies support group. Today, they were educated on the transmission of HIV from Moms to babies and how it can be prevented. Along with the basis of educating the people living in the informal settlement, support group brings individuals together and creates a oneness throughout the community. It’s wonderful to see groups like this growing, if not in numbers, in strength. As I looked around the room today, I thought about what these women are facing – and how brave they are. Most of them are about my age, with two or three children already. Teen pregnancies are more common than not, and girls are going straight from childhood to mommy hood. The transition doesn’t sound very smooth. I can only pray that the women attending support group at LaThitha would increase and safer precautions would be taken.

It’s important to educate these girls at a young age- which has reinforced my passion for working with my Friday youth group. The girls in my group are 13 and 14. So much is happening in their little worlds right now. This past week we finished our Artist Journals, although technically they’re never finished. You can always add on to an Artist Journal – add embellishments, stories, notes, pictures… etc. At the closing, I had the girls write a letter to themselves and then seal it shut. They were instructed to write, “open on May 23, 2024”. I’d love to claim the idea as my own, but it actually came from my Artist Books teacher back in high school. Now, I’m pushing forward to the girls special event – “Princess Shine”. Gods been dropping diamonds upon the path in planning this thing, and I’m believing that it truly will be a night to remember for them. I received more dress donations today, as well as chocolate squares for gift bags.

I’m ankle deep in my summer course, “Fundraising for Nonprofits”. I wager back and fourth on my experiences here in South Africa, and I’m very interested to see how God will wind all this together. Every conversation, every site visited, every smile shared, every baby held, every word written and child fed will somehow appear in my future. I’ve got to believe that our lives are important and short – every day holds a new set of events which are unconsciously shaping and molding us. God can take us from a single cell and develop strong, confident and bright  individuals with dreams to impact a whole nation. Look at his Son.

These last couple of weeks are very crucial. I’ve started (slowly) writing farewell letters and know that it’s going to be a very difficult farewell, but I cannot give up just yet. My time here isn’t up! I’m ecstatic that my Mother is coming to experience a taste of my life for the past four months. Today is Memorial Day. I must say that living in South Africa has made me very thankful for the security we have in America. My father’s love for the USA is so genuine and true – one nation under God. Thankfully, I’ll be home by the Fourth of July! I’m going to miss a family reunion, and my brother’s 24th birthday prior, but Skype is a wonderful thing! We’re trying to work it out so I can Skype with everyone.

Thank you to everyone that has committed to praying for me during this trip, your faithfulness has greatly impacted me. Most of you must be praying around 7pm, with the time zone difference, that’s 2am and I wake up frequently at that time! Or could be just happenstance. Also, this past Sunday I shared my testimony with the congregation and the responses were amazing. It really brings me an unexplainable joy to share my testimony – I’m reminded about Gods faithfulness, healing power and unconditional love for us.

I think your great, but I respect your distance, rock rabbit. 
Miss and love you all!



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