There's Gonna be a Wedding

So many things have happened, I don’t know where to start. First off, Happy Easter!! We had a relaxing Easter weekend spent with family and friends. These people have truly become like family, and I’m overly thankful that I could spend Easter with them. We had TWO babies in the house (1 month old boy and 3 month old girl), which means double the love and cuteness. Both of the babies have been abandoned, but that just means they get the opportunity to have many loving parents. They are staying at a foster home for now. With four women in our house over the weekend, we spoiled these two babies quite well.

Myself and a friend attended Ignite Church on Saturday night and Sunday morning. The one we attended on Saturday night honestly felt like a wedding reception. The choir was all dressed in white and swaying in praise. I saw the image of a bride (the church), meeting Christ (the bridegroom). In true intimacy, the church spent weightless time lavishing a thankful praise unto its Savior. I thought my smile was going to fall off from overuse that night. There is nothing like spending time with the King. Most of the service was in Xhosa, but the reverence in their hearts and sincerity in their worship makes it very easy to flow along with.

I’m becoming more familiar with the growing congregation and the Pastors of Ignite. We loved Saturday night so much that we were drawn back on Sunday morning as well. The Pastor started preaching out of 1 Kings 18. The Prophet Elijah prophesies about an abundance of rain covering Samaria and ending a period of severe famine. The Pastor then prophesied over the congregation that the famine is over. Do you hear the sounds of the abundance of rain falling over this place? I began to pray over the township, a place that previously has been living in drought and famine. No more famine in this place!! Our victory is in Christ and I love watching Him do work on dis place.

 I could say a lot more about that morning service. A woman came forward preaching out of Matthew 16. Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 16:24-25. To experience the glory of the resurrection, we must first share in his suffering. When I imagine my future and the desires that God has placed within me, I sometimes fear. I worry about the “pieces falling into place”. What if some of the pieces are too heavy for me to carry? I’m one human life. How can I do all these things? Will they truly come to pass or are they just the naïve dreams of a young woman?

I’m being real transparent here, but these worries taunt me often. Just before Jesus was led into the hands of his accusers, he prayed that his Fathers will be done, not his own will. “And then there appeared to him and angel from heaven, strengthening him” John 22:43. Just as God sent an angel to strengthen his Son during this time of suffering, he sends the Holy Spirit to comfort us in the same way. Hallelujah. I definitely ride the struggle bus on wholeheartedly believing this sometimes. Although, what do we have to lose? Christ gave everything for us. Why would we keep our lives from him? I can just hear him saying, “ Don’t fear my child. Remember that these plans for your life were never your own to begin with, they are mine. I Am the one doing the work, humble yourself and just roll wit me”.

It was one great, long weekend. I tried to Skype with my family but the connection was not the greatest. I sent them a video and am hoping to chat with them soon!

Luv to y’all!


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