Stirrin up deep deep wells, stirrin up deep deep waters!
Sunday, March 23
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This is a picture from Peru, in honor of the conversation I had with Gary and Machda...explained below :) |
This morning, while at church, I met
a pretty kiff couple. Side note: I really want to bring the word kiff back to the States. It means cool,
and the word cool desperately needs a
successor because it’s time for it to retire from young peoples vocabulary. So,
back to this kiff couple… They were seated behind me and after worship I
introduced myself. The couple was very rough looking. Their skin was overly
weathered, and their eyes were smoky and round like marbles. I hadn’t seen this
couple before, so I asked if they were new. It’s their second week in East
London, and they said God sent them to share His love with the broken. Their
names are Gary and Machda. Gary explained what God has placed on his heart. He
said that God desires that the homeless, the addicted, the prostitute, all be
set free and understand that their Father in Heaven loves them. We say that we
“love” those that are close to us, because we know them. We have a relationship with them, be it a brother,
mother, cousin, friend. While all of these relationships are beautiful, God
also desires us to love the lost. The ones who believe that God has forsaken
The couple is currently living in a
garage that is connected to a gas station. They have no money or possessions,
yet they are provided for. They are getting to know Jehova-jireh, God the
provides. People walk by them, and just give them money or food. Machda
expressed, “We’ve never even asked, people just give us what we need”. This is
how God provides. After worship, I am even more emotional than normal, so tears
just ran down my face as I listened. I really wanted to encourage this couple,
but when I tried, more tears came. After service, I met with them and talked
over coffee. Gary has few teeth, yet his smile shines of the grace that God has
given him. He speaks with a solid certainty, which comes from the victory in
Jesus over twenty-five years of addiction to drugs and alcohol. He was rejected
at birth, and therefore, his grandparents raised him. He started doing drugs
heavily when he was fifteen. Machda shared that she lost a son and father in
the same week. She said that she has never experienced such a pain and hatred
towards God. Machda has battled with depression and is just learning about how
much God loves her. Just a week ago, she attempted suicide by taking 80 pills
for treating epilepsy and 10 sleeping pills. Gary found her unresponsive. He
called the ambulance at 12:30. The ambulance arrived at 3:30am. It took three hours for the ambulance to arrive.
Gary said that he spent that time speaking life over Machda, binding the things
of the enemy and praying healing and restoration over her life. He prayed and
prayed over Machda. Once she finally made it to the doctors, they said 99% of
people in her situation would have died. And here I am, sitting across the
table from this woman a week later.
shared about the men’s safe house in Peru, and the beautiful transformation
that takes place. These men were once sleeping on cardboard in the markets, and
now they go to the drug holes with Peruvian drums singing about Jesus and loving
on the ones they used to do drugs with. Gary listened intently, it is clear
that God has planted His own heart for the lost within this man. Afterwards, I
asked if I could pray for them. I haven’t been going to this church for the
past couple of weeks because I’ve been attending the Xhosa speaking one. This
week, I felt like I needed to attend this one. Possibly, just to encourage Gary
and Machda. I shared that it was tempting to just sit and watch the safe house
men during worship. It’s undeniable that their chains are truly broken and
they’ve been set free. Their eyes are filled with tears, and then joy. Their
adoration for Him is displayed while they dance and praise. Jesus explained
that he came for the sick, the broken and the lost. Now he has commissioned us
to so the same. After all the muck this couple has been through, it’s so
inspiring to see that God has taken their stone hearts and given them hearts of
In church, we sang “ He’s stirrin up
deep deep wells, deep deep waters…” And it really ministered to me. Sometimes,
I think about the future and get stressed. I worry, what if I never make it back here? What if I forget about all that God
can do with one willing life? Then I remember that it was never, and never
will, be about me. He works through us. He reveals things in His perfect
timing. We just need to be obedient.
It’s been really
hot here. And I have lots more to say but I’m going to go now.
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