“I think God gave you the wrong skin color”

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
            You see what had happened was… we had a dance party in the kitchen. The kitchen is like the ultimate hangout spot at CATCH. Our hungry tummies bring us together and we nibble, chat, and laugh in the kitchen. Today, Linda, the cook, requested that I dance. I was awl shy and den she played some funky African beats and I couldn’t contain myself. It turned into a dance party and five of us were clapping and dancing around in the kitchen. They were speaking in Xhosa and then one of them translated for me saying, “We are talking about how you are African with white skin”. They laughed and asked why I dance like an African.  I told them that I’m just as confused as they are. Later, another volunteer told me that he thinks God gave me the wrong skin color.
            Just before club, I met a guy that prophesied things over me that have kept me in a state of amazement ever since. He helps coach the soccer team, and I’ve seen him periodically but never actually met him. I was kicking a soccer ball around with some children when he joined and started playing with us. He asked me how long I’ve been in East London and about my connection to CATCH. As I explained, he kept commenting how blessed he is to meet me and hear this testimony. He kept saying, I never knew”. And I thought, “God what are you telling him??” He went on to explain that many people come through CATCH, but what he sees in me is different. He explained that God is doing something different through me and it’s really big. Of course, I’m tearing up by now.
             It’s my favorite thing to be encouraged so greatly by other believers. He went on to explain that God’s grace covers me and that the intentions of my heart are clear. He actually said, “I can see your heart and the grace God has given you makes me actually fall in love with you just standing here”. Then he told me that building a foundation of a house is a long process, especially a really big house. The foundation goes down as far as it extends upward. He said that I may be looking around and see others with houses that look “finished”. Their walls are up and painted and it just looks so nice. Meanwhile, you are still working on the foundation of your house. He told me to keep building because God is going to do great things with this foundation. Then he prayed for me while the children were increasing around us with hula-hoops and soccer balls. He finished by talking about my generation. He said, “Every once in a while, God raises up a generation that has a heart for Him”. After all this, he asked for my name.
            Today was just a whirlwind of events. Even my night run! I felt like I was running with a parachute attached to my back because of the strong winds. Thinking about today, I’m overjoyed that I’m a nobody and God still desires to use me. After the many times I’ve failed, he still desires me. With my mustard seed faith, he captivates my heart and strengthens me to keep going. I was greatly encouraged from the unexpected prophetic word today. We are called to run with endurance the race set before us. How wonderful that He creates our course in life. It’s nighttime now and the stars are brilliant. My housemates and I went stargazing after taking the dog for a walk. I saw two shooting stars! And of course I made a wish or two :)
Goodnight. xoxo.
P.s. I have now typed 10,050 words and 50 pages about Africa!


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