Testing the Heart of Man

With all the acting aside, how do we know the true core of a person? People say things that structure a frame for greatness or happiness, but is it authentic? Tonight, during an event for orphans in Honduras, Tom Stammon talked about how to look directly into the heart of man. These three questions will give you a pretty clear revealing of anyone's heart.

Ask yourself three questions:
1.     What do they talk about the most?
2.     How do they spend their spare time?
3.     Where do they spend their money?

Answer these three questions about yourself. Those are your priorities in life. Where you spend you energy, time and money is where your treasure is. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” Matt. 6:21. These things will greatly affect the structure of our lives. Jesus asks us to cleanse our hands and purify our hearts (James 4:8). The only way to complete such a task is to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). He is the only one that can search and truly know our hearts. It takes us a lifetime to figure ourselves out. God knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb (Jer. 1:5). He has appointed us to do the good works to which he has called us. We are commissioned. I really enjoy the flow of that word. It makes me think of a normal human being, you and I, with arms wide open. Facing heavenward, as we allow God to fill us with His strength. With faith in Him, we are made courageous. For, “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us” Phil. 4:6.
With these words written on our hearts, may all the goodness of Christ flow from us. Then, we will truly become the hands and feet of Jesus, living a life of complete surrender to His greater purpose and plan. Amen.


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