Dance in the Rain

It makes me want to run into the middle of the glowing street, in my best dress, and dance with my arms up in the air as it all sprinkles down unto my face and runs along an undetermined paTh down my skin. The small drops nourish my hair just enough to let it creAte small curls that frame my face as my smile beings reflecting upon the mystifyingly blue sKy. My face toward infinity and I spin in circlEs, not losing balance, only losing worries and fears. The outside world fades, but only for a momenT, and tHis is where I find mysElf. Adoring the simple things that life has given me; I pray that others will someday Take these chances. Chances to not care what your wearIng, not care what’s on the to-do list, not care who your with, and take that chance let heaven shower down on you. Let soMebody undErstand who you are, what you believe in, for we were placed here to interacT. What yOu have, you understand, but someBody else holds an empty place theRe, they need you to fill thEm within And share knowledge. GifTs do not seem like anytHing special. Not to you, because you think it’s that easy for Everybody. Ever wonder how that person can be so better than you at something? Discover it. Go, dance in the rain. 


  1. Replies
    1. :) I just realized you decoded the secret to life! Almost a year ago.


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